Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I was just out walking on my 15 minute break. I was thinking about caring about things. I mean having a passion for specific things like trees for example.

I was thinking about the lost stewardship of the earth and that if God had originally designed us to take care of it and continue to cultivate all that's in the earth then he must have put a desire in each of us for some specific thing, more specific than someone else.

I wondered about what my more specific was. What do I just care about more than my neighbor does? What am I called to remind my neighbor of in that caring? What do they remind me of that I don't feel as deeply about?

I thought about creatures. I care a little more for horses than some. I thought about God. I care a little more for worship than some. I thought about words. I care a little more for words than some. These things continue to mark me and form many of the decisions I've made. I can hear God blessing the caring, "yes, this is from me" he says. "It's not a mistake, you are not mistaken. Take up your stewardship again."

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