Monday, April 7, 2008

Out of touch

Sorry to have been rather quiet these last couple weeks. I've been sort of bogged down in stuff. Ok, ok stuff. . . what do I mean by stuff? Well. . . I suppose I mean relational, and work stuff, and what's the meaning of my life and why can't I make myself happy, or figure out what makes me happy and do it. Ya know the really light easy to handle stuff. So I've refrained from dragging you all along with me.

The stuff has been heightened lately because my roommate has been out of town for over a week now leaving me to spend way to much time alone. Also I'm trying to get another job, which I've interviewed for and taken their test and still haven't heard anything about. I'd really like the job. One of the major perks would be that I would not have to answer a phone. The second delightful thing would be I'd actually get to write. The third is that I would actually be working for a ministry I whole heartedly believe in.

Anyway, there are things to discuss if I can come out from under the fog.


kira shanti said...

bring us into the fog with you, friend. we can walk together. so much better to hear how you really are anyway.

Hazel Cade said...

It's hard to write from sad places, but thanks for the update. I'll be praying about the job.

elly said...

so glad you blogged from your foggy bog. ;) sorry, i couldn't resist. honestly, your voice is good to hear no matter the state.

Anonymous said...

I concur!!! Good to hear your voice, and glad you peeked out into the blogosphere.