Thursday, April 10, 2008

A skirt in the wind

Of all the days to miss the loop hole for wearing a skirt to work (yes it's mandatory to wear a skirt where I work unless the forecasted high for the day is above 40 degrees) today was not the day.

I had to leave the building to go to lunch. I would have stayed but the cafeteria is closed.

So out into the wind. I got five steps out the door and my skirt was about over my head. Hmm. . . so much for modesty at my conservative job.

It's made me a little grumpy today.


kira shanti said...

when will release from skirts come? any word? i love hearing what you are living in--just the day to day--even the grumpy. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

They need to be loosened up a little over there anyway. :)

Hazel Cade said...

You were telling me that skirts there are way more sexy than pants. Now I get your point.