Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Falling in Love?

What does it take to fall in love? What does it take to fall in love with the right person?

Everything looks right. You ask the right questions, you're curious, you respond accordingly, you call when you say you will, you bring flowers, you don't presume that you can just touch me or kiss me. I see that you are very interested in me. You don't back away even when I don't respond. All this and I am not moved.

I think if you can make me laugh, honestly and not just a sympathetic chuckle at your attempt to make a joke, I might start to swoon.

Fun, I've always imagined that I would like to be with someone a little more fun than me. Someone who is more willing than I am to get into trouble. I play it close to home and the vest unless I really know the risk will pay off. I don't know how that more fun person would feel about having to drag me into things though.

I could love a person who helped me to get unstuck and didn't mind wading through.

I could love a person who had a common purpose in life. If only I could figure out what mine is.

Profession, I never thought that there would be objections in my mind to what his profession was, as long as he had one, but does my family really need another engineer in it? This is probably unfair, but I can't ignore that there is a wall that goes up when I hear that.

I wish, though it isn't necessary, that he was here close by so that I wouldn't have to leave this life that I already have, the friends and church I love and the opportunities I have to sing. Could there be a love worth leaving for?


kira shanti said...

i love that you are asking questions of love.

Hazel Cade said...

I can appreciate your conflict. I'm caught in a similar one. Do you accept with joy who God plunks down in front of you, or hold out for something magical which may not exist? I'm glad you're getting to experience the fun part of being someone who someone else wants to kiss. Knowing that might be better than actually being kissed.

Erica said...

Yes, uhu amen sister. I think the knowing is all I'm going to get out of this one.