Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh I have a blog. Oh my I've missed you little blog. Please forgive me for having stayed away so long. I've been undergoing some internal shifts and well words and thoughts just aren't clear enough to give away yet. I sort of like looking like I've got it together so I tend to not like giving half formed things away. Besides they would come out all cliche and trite and uninteresting.

But let me just say that today I am grateful. Work was a battle field today. Sizable layoffs are happening. Whole departments and some long standing projects are gone. My job was not among them. Although there is the tinge of guilt for not really loving what I do and feeling that at this moment many would be grateful to be doing what I'm doing.


Suz. said...

She lives! She blogs! She sings! :)

Bob and Molly said...

It's so nice to have you back!